Since its launch in 2012, nithar has been striving to promote the Saudi identity by recreating eye-catching creative works inspired by the diverse and rich Saudi culture with the support of a qualified and specialized working group able to meet the market’s needs and expectations.
The agency’s role, in the advertising market in Saudi Arabia, is to reproduce visual identities and Saudi ads. It employs the Saudi identity and advances Saudi art toward wider horizons to increase the awareness and provoke the imagination of the recipients, meeting their needs creatively and meaningfully.
What Nithar creates is the production of the historical, cultural, and sentimental heritage of Saudi Arabia. Nithar presents itself as a reliable local partner whose team possesses a cultural and social legacy that influences and is influenced by the surroundings, forming Nithar’s unique and creative character. The agency is one of the promising companies in this industry and has a solid track record of achievements and countless successful projects.
Given the current shift in the size of the advertising market in Saudi Arabia, with an annual market value recently estimated of more than 11 billion riyals, according to the CEO of the GCAM, Nithar, for its awe-inspiring work, is the paragon of the Saudi specialized advertising agency that keeps pace with changes in The Kingdom and holds fast to the beauty and originality of its art – it’s a trusted partner for various entities and companies and a representation of the Saudi identity.